We invite you to join Bordertown for Savour the Sun Victoria!
Wednesday June 16 at 6:30 pm @eat10acres

This partnership between @uncorkthesun @eat10acres brings together winemakers from our region to Vancouver Island for an interactive dining experience in a safe and thoughtful way.
Using ingredients grown by their dedicated farmers on the nearby 10 Acres Farm, the culinary team utilizes what’s in season and partners with local producers whenever possible to keep dishes fresh and inventive.
Each Oliver Osoyoos Wine Country winery will present two wines from their portfolios including some of the region’s stand out bottles, paired in partnership with the restaurant’s award-winning sommelier, Adriano Cartuliares.
For more info and to reserve your seat today visit: www.oliverosoyoos.com/savour-the-sun-victoria
#savourthesun #uncorkthesun #eat10acres #victoria